Thursday, May 21, 2020

Research Justification Autism Spectrum Disorder

Research justification: Autism Spectrum Disorder has been in existence for nearly two decades. Autism was first identified by two Austrian psychiatrists, Dr. Leo Kanner and Dr. Hans Asperger in 1940s (Phetrasuwan et al., 2009). Dr. Kanner studied a small group of eleven young children in 1943 that exhibited unusual behaviour like aloneness, temper tantrums, limited spontaneity, grammatical errors during conversations, repeating sentences or mute, repetitive routines, isolated skills, serious mindedness and named them as â€Å"early infantile Autism† (derived from the Greek word autos meaning ‘Self’) (Kanner, 1943, Wing, 1997, KITA and HOSOKAWA, 2011) . In the same year Dr. Hans Asperger submitted his thesis titled â€Å"Autistic psychopathy in childhood† which was published the following year in 1944 (Lyons and Fitzgerald, 2007). He observed a group of four children who had excellent memories (KITA and HOSOKAWA, 2011, Van Krevelen, 1971) . They had impairments like monotone speech, poor motor skills, delayed social abilities, less severe linguistic delays, ego-centric behaviours, sensitive to particular sounds, aromas, textures and touch (Attwood, 1998). This type of behaviour is termed as â€Å"Asperger’s syndrome†. Autism is a life-long disability that affects people in three different aspects of life in social interaction, social communication and social behaviour. The range of levels varied depending on the type of severity (severe to mild). It has been put forth as the continuumShow MoreRelatedHigh Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder1364 Words   |  6 PagesAvoidance in High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (South et al., 2014) that is being reviewed is an experiment with High-Functioning autistic individuals and nerurotypical individuals inquiring if there is a difference in the behavior when making decisions if there is a risk involved. The researchers begin by explaining their supporting information in conducting this experiment. They reference previous written material that explains the impairments that individuals with Autism have in their neurocognitiveRead MoreHow Psychology Has Changed Human Behavior1724 Words   |  7 Pagesmindreading abilities generally follow a developm ental pathway. Additionally, Heider and Simmel’s (1944) study of geometric shapes will be explored to demonstrate how people interpret other people’s behaviour, even in animation. Subsequently, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be discussed to show how psychology has assisted in explaining how people with this condition have mindreading difficulties and how psychology has helped in understanding and developing their mindreading skills to help them withRead MoreGraduation Speech : Phonetic Alphabet1379 Words   |  6 Pagesclosely and experience the new skills with peer support. Also, during instruction in small group, I am able to address them directly and model vowel sounds, so they can repeat/echo correctly the pure vowel sound formation. d) My student with Autism Spectrum Disorder benefits from the opportunity of being addressed directly, with me facing the student when modeling, but without social implications as it is allowed during small group work. e) Adding visual components to teaching benefits my student withRead MoreEvidence Based Practice Essay3892 Words   |  16 Pagesquestion, linked to a relevant issue with in my nursing programme. The specific question in focus is â€Å"what are the experiences of parents/guardians caring for a child with autism†. Within this essay there will be a description as to how and why the pacific question was chosen. There will also be an explanation of how the correct research papers where allocated. Further on in the essay the three chosen papers will be analysed to determine their trustworthiness. 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Additionally, Heider and Simmel’s (1944) study of geometric shapes will be explor ed to demonstrate how people interpret other people’s behaviour, even in animation. Subsequently, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be examined to show how psychology has assisted in explaining how people with the condition have mindreading difficulties and how psychology is helping in developing their mindreading skills. Finally, relationship conflict willRead MoreThe Transition Of The Vet1464 Words   |  6 Pagesstudio environment for school age trainees. These environments were certainly different from my previous teaching roles. They presented new and interesting challenges. Some of the more challenging situations would be working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and having to modify delivery and assessments for the students as each had different needs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Agile Methodology For Project Management - 2433 Words

AGILE METHODOLOGY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3 Agile Methodology in Project Management Name Instructor Institution Location Date of Submission Table of Contents Introduction 3 Approaches in Agile Methodology 3 Principles of Agile Methodology in Project Management 4 Comparison of Agile Methodology versus Traditional Approach 5 Overall Description of Agile Methodology 7 Benefits of the Agile Methodology 8 Conclusions 9 References 10 Running head: AGILE METHODOLOGY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 AGILE METHODOLOGY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2 Introduction Among the various approaches adopted in project management is Agile Methodology, one that is mentioned frequently among experts and considered as one of the key approaches adopted in organizations. As pointed out by Stare (2013), Agile Methodology can be described as a particular way that is embraced in the management of projects and teams in Information and Technology among other fields. There are various practices associated with the Agile Methodology and some of them include the ability to assume simplicity, creation of documentation based on value, enabling rapid feedback to all stakeholders, and embracing change among others practices. Since its emergence in project management, various research studies have been conducted in a bid to explore the possibilities of using the Agile Methodology in other industries that are not specifically meant for software development. Given the fact that corporations areShow MoreRelatedResearch Methodology On Agile Project Managem ent1734 Words   |  7 Pages3. Methodology Chapter 3.1 Introduction to Methodology The purpose of this chapter is to describe the research methodology used in completing this dissertation. This chapter starts out by describing the initial research and literature review that was performed and then further describe with relevant research methodology. A research method is being selected and explained. 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Crude oil Free Essays

Crude oil is a necessity for the emerging as well as the existing industries all over the world. It has the power to affect production because it’s a raw material which Is used for producing petrol etc. The fluctuations In the price of crude oil can affect the economy on a large scale. We will write a custom essay sample on Crude oil or any similar topic only for you Order Now The price of crude oll Is affected by the demand and the supply like any other good. In times of bottlenecks the price Is expected to rise whereas when there is an oversupply of crude oll the price tends to fall. Crude oil prices have varied over the last 50 years. In June, OPEC production fell by 370,000 barrels, this was mainly caused due to hindrances such as conflicts In the Middle East and the production strikes In Nlgerla . As a result this affected the price of crude 011 and It rose substantially. The prices of crude oll were subject to some major fluctuations In recent years. It can be observed that the price of crude 011 rose as much as $140/barrel approximately in 2008. 1n the same year it fell as low as $40,’ barrel approximately. In the years 2010 and 2011 it constantly increased from $80,’ barrel and reached a maximum price of $122/barrel approximately. In the years 2012 and 201 3 the price of crude oil fluctuated in the range of $100/barrel and $120/ barrel. High crude oil prices can be responsible for cost push inflation in the economy. Cost push inflation is caused mainly due to an increase in the price of raw material. Crude oil is a raw material and is predominantly used for transportation. Transportation is a vital part of the production process. Increase in the price of crude il would mean that the transportation costs increase. This in turn affects the production cost and finally the high costs fall heavily on the consumers in the form of high prices. The Oil market has been unstable since the 1970’s and has been overblown by many serious disruptions. As a result the oil market has lost its market share and people have now shifted to other energy sources available . The market for alternative energy sources has expanded as its much cheaper then crude oil. People have now shifted to cheaper fuels such as natural gas, bio-diesel etc. However other ut expensive alternatives of crude oil have also emerged for e. g. Carbon free cars, these are cars which run on rechargeable battery and they are also environment friendly. Crude oil is one of the major energy source and most of the countries still consume It heavily-UK imports crude oll and as a result its suffering from Imported Inflation currently. The crude oil prices are expected to Increase In the near future and this In turn would further contribute to Inflation In the economy. If the prices of crude oll aren’t controlled then It can be said that Crude oll will continue to lose Its arket share -In order to bring stablllty In the oll market It needs to get rid of disruptions caused by various conflicts In the oll producing countries. rude oil By ‘hatewar world. It has the power to affect production because it’s a raw material which is used for producing petrol etc. The fluctuations in the price of crude oil can affect the economy on a large scale. The price of crude oil is affected by the demand and the supply like any other good. In times of bottlenecks the price is expected to rise whereas when there is an oversupply of crude oil the price tends to fall. Crude oil barrels, this was mainly caused due to hindrances such as conflicts in the Middle East and the production strikes in Nigeria . As a result this affected the price of crude oil and it rose substantially. The prices of crude oil were subject to some major fluctuations in recent years. It can be observed that the price of crude oil rose as much as $140/barrel approximately in 2008. 1n the same year it fell as low as $40/ barrel approximately. In the years 2010 and 2011 it constantly increased from $80/ and 2013 the price of crude oil fluctuated in the range of $100/barrel and $120/ hare and people have now shifted to other energy sources available . The market for consume it heavily. UK imports crude oil and as a result its suffering from imported inflation currently. The crude oil prices are expected to increase in the near future and this in turn would further contribute to inflation in the economy. If the prices of crude oil aren’t controlled then it can be said that Crude oil will continue to lose its market share . ln order to bring stability in the oil market it needs to get rid of disruptions caused by various conflicts in the oil producing countries. How to cite Crude oil, Papers